Author: Ahn
Summary: (A quick fic just to get the songs out of my head.) The
are having trouble falling Buffy and Daddy are
Disclaimer: Joss and the WB own all that you know and love. The
belong to whomever wrote and sang them. (I have no idea who,
otherwise I
would have mentioned them.)
Content: G.
Authors Note: Never listen to the oldies station or else
the songs will
get stuck in your mind. Sorry if the verses are incomplete, theyre
ones that I could remember...
Giles! This isnt going to work! Buffy cried
as she held her crying
daughter in her arms. Her Watcher gave her a harried look as he
her crying son.
I *know* that Buffy, but so far nothing else has worked
so far! They
seem to not want to do what they are supposed to!Giles said
above the
babies cries.Reminds me of a certain Slayer that I know!
Buffy gave the Watcher a dirty look.Now is NOT the time
to snipe at me,
Giles. Theres no choice, you have to sing them THE lullaby.
Giles groaned. I dont want to sing them that!
And I dont want to hear it!Buffy cried.Youve
gotta get some sleep
before you go to that big Watcher thing today and I need sleep at
oclock in the morning! And if these two dont stop
crying, Im going to
go out of my mind!
FINE! Giles shouted. Then he sang loudly to the two babies.
Im Henry the Eighth, I am
Henry the Eighth I am, I am
I got married to the widow next door...
Shes been married,
Seven times before...
Every one of them was an enry,
An Henry!
No Sam I am, No Sam!
I got married to the widow next door...
So its Henry the Eighth I am!
Second verse, same as the first!
Buffy rocked her daughter as she approached the crib,
hoarsely,Keep it going, Giles, Kittys almost asleep!
Giles gave her a glare as he rocked Buffys son, and sang
louder. Buffy
watched as she saw her daughters eyes drift closed as she
rocked Kitty
asleep. < Whew! One down and one to go... >
Giles sang louder, but her son showed no signs of stopping.
Buffy bit
her inner lip to stop from smiling at the sight of her Watcher
with a
towel over his tweed shoulder and a crying baby in his arms. Then
heard the distinct sound of a door click.
Buffy rushed out of the nursery and ran into the arms of her
kissing him enthusiastically.
Well! That was some greeting!he said.Did I do anything?
Youre here and your son is making me and Giles
crazy! He wont go to
sleep! He absolutely has not stopped crying four an hour! He kept
awake, and she just fell asleep,Buffy said in a rush as she
tugged her
husband towards the nursery.
So what am I supposed to do about this?
Duh! Sing him THE lullaby!Buffy said in
exasperation.Sorry to say,
Spike, Depeche Mode wasnt doing it nor was Billy Idol or
David Bowie!
Youve gotta sing the lullaby to Robbie before he wakes
But, sweet...
Buffy looked at Spike in the eye.Do you want me to get
Angel to sing to
your children?
Spikes eyes lit in annoyance.Bloody fool will
probably sing him a
bloody Irish lost love ballad. Make my son into a bloody wanker!
Then go in there and sing! Buffy said as she
pushed him into the
nursery. Spike stopped at the door as he watched the Watcher
comfort his
Giless back was towards Spike as he rocked Robbie.Now,
young man, you
need sleep! All babies need sleep at this time of night! Now
The baby let out an ear piercing wail. Giles sighed and
started singing
again.Im Henry the Eighth I am, Henry the Eighth I am...
Spike grinned as he entered the cheery nursery fully and faced
Watcher with his hands out. Giles looked at him and gave Spike a
grateful look and stopped singing. The moment he did, Giles
planted the
baby into Spikes arms like a bag of flour.Heres
your son, old man.
Have fun!
Giles planted a kiss on the babys forehead.Good
night, Robert! And may
you be in a better mood tomorrow night! Spike.
Giles then walked out the door and Spike looked at Buffy. She
as she went to walk the Watcher out. Spike then looked at the red
of his son.Guess you want your old man to sing, huh? But it
had better
be fast that you sleep, young man, I only know one verse, and I
too sing it all night, Robert!
The baby again let out another piercing wail. Spike sighed and
singing as he rocked his son.
Who put the bop in the bop-she-bop-a bop?
Who put the ram in the rama-lama-ding dong?
Who put the shim in shim-shim-shiminey?
Who was that man?
Id like to shake his hand...
That made my baby fall in love with me...
So...who put the bop in the bop-she-bop a-bop?
Spike repeated the verse less loudly than before as he saw his
eyes start to close. After ten more times, Spike was able to put
his son
into his crib with a quiet sigh. When he looked up, Buffy smiled
the doorway and then held her hand out to him.
As they left the nursery, Buffy asked serious,So, Spike...who
put the
bop in the bop-she-bop-a-bop?